He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15
Evangelist Victor and his wife Miriam founded Victor and Miriam Ministries in 2022. Since meeting Jesus, both had pursued their calling to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. As they preached throughout the United States and Mexico, plenty of individuals were saved, healed, and delivered.
Nuestra Historia
El evangelista Víctor y su esposa Miriam fundaron su Ministerio Víctor y Miriam Ministries, en el ano 2022. Desde que ellos conocieron a Jesús, ambos persiguieron su llamado, predicando el evangelio de Jesucristo a toda creatura. Mientras ellos predicaban en los Estados Unidos y México, muchas personas fueron salvas, sanadas y liberadas.
our story
Victor had a powerful encounter with Jesus when he was 18 years old and facing a life sentence. His life was never the same after that, and he began to preach Jesus to the prisoners. He was miraculously released from prison in 2016, and he is now faithfully serving Jesus with his family.
Evangelista Victor
Víctor tuvo un encuentro poderoso con Jesús cuando tenía 18 años el enfrentaba cadena perpetua en prision. Su vida nunca volvió a ser la misma despues de ese encuentro, comenzó a predicar de Jesús a los presos. Fue liberado milagrosamente de prisión en 2016 y ahora está sirviendo fielmente a Jesús con su familia.